
Passing in basketball involves the skill of transferring the ball to teammates accurately and efficiently. Passing drills include working on different types of passes, such as chest passes, bounce passes, and overhead passes. Strong passing is a crucial component of effective team play, as it facilitates ball movement and creates scoring opportunities.

First step image of playbook Pases
First step image of playbook RUEDA CONTINÚA DE PUERTA ATRÁS
Created by Javier Roldán
1.- Jugador debajo de la canasta pasa al 45º y corre a la fila.
2.- El que ha recibido, pasa a la fila central y corre a la fila.
3.- El jugador de la fila central bota hacia el último jugador...
First step image of playbook 4 Conos
First step image of playbook 4 Conos
#ataque#pasar y moverse
First step image of playbook PASSING WARM-UP
Created by Javier Roldán
4 attackers are placed in the 4 corners of the area. Without dribbling and through feints, they have to manage to pass the ball between them, while the other 3 defenders have to steal the ball...
First step image of playbook SPACING - RUTINA ESQUINA Y CÍRCULO
Created by Javier Roldán
El jugador con balón tiene dos balones, los otros dos, uno de ellos se coloca en el poste bajo contrario y el otro en esquina o 45º contrario. A raíz de la penetración del jugador con dos balones,...
First step image of playbook 2c1 +1 +1 + 1
First step image of playbook Doble - Dos 1x1 simultáneos en diagonal
First step image of playbook Passing star
Drill to start workout. You can keep one, two or even three balls moving, with this sequence of passes 
First step image of playbook 2x2 cuatro esquinas
First step image of playbook Warm -up #1
First step image of playbook The 3 circles
Created by Urko
We put 3 players to defend each one in one of the circles of the field: the two zones and the central circle. These players cannot leave there. 

Two players start from the baseline and...
First step image of playbook Touching the ball with a pass
Created by Urko
 Two players with a ball are constantly passing the ball back and forth. A third player has to try to hit the ball with his own ball. 

We try to speed up the pass to avoid contact with the...
First step image of playbook Passing 10 times
Created by Urko
 A team of 3, 4 or 5 players with a ball are constantly passing the ball back and forth, without bouncing or dropping the ball. The defending team tries to prevent them from making 10...
First step image of playbook Clínic Piti Hurtado. Minibasket. Ej9
First step image of playbook Shooting drills #1
First step image of playbook Shooting drill #2
First step image of playbook Shooting drill #3
First step image of playbook Rotonda prepartit
First step image of playbook 2 (1x1) + 1 passer in midfield, limit up to 10 seconds or 3 passes
Drill extracted from the book "Didáctica del baloncesto", by Antonio Montero Seoane

Each of the attackers in a side of the field and the passer in the central zone (high post). 

One of the...
First step image of playbook 5x5 in half court (Passing)
Drillextracted from the book "Didáctica del baloncesto", by Antonio Montero Seoane

Three outside attackers outside a goal that will not have to be located 6.25 meters from the basket, but depending...
First step image of playbook 2 (3x3) in half court (Passades)
Drill extracted from the book "Didáctica del baloncesto", by Antonio Montero Seoane

A group of players in each half from the field; When a group recovers the ball, it tries to pass it to its...
First step image of playbook Rueda Ayudas y Contra
Work on defensive assists and recoveries chained with a quick exit for a 1 fast break#2x1 #closeout #fastbreak
#closeout #fastbreak
First step image of playbook Circuito aerobico
Created by matias seves
Aerobic circuit, concentration, mobility and occupation of spaces.
First step image of playbook Mi primera Jugada
Created by Pedro
Esta es la descripción
First step image of playbook Movement without the ball, ball reception, shot fake, jab step and finishing
Off-ball movement, ball reception, shot fake, jan step and finish
·        10 repetitions with normal entry
·        10 repetitions with entry with hand change...
First step image of playbook Full court repeater post + layup or shot
On the outbound ball, the player with the ball passes to his teammates in the different rows. When he reaches the basket, he can drive to the basket or shoot as indicated. On the return ball, he...
First step image of playbook Full court repeater post + basket or layup + 1vs1
On the way out, the player with the ball passes to his teammates in the different rows. When he reaches the basket, he can drive to the basket or shoot as indicated. On the way back, he goes to the...
First step image of playbook Fast break 3vs0
3x0 fast break drill twisted with one way, the return is performed by the players outside the court while the next trio performs the drill, it can be done with or without a bounce. Very interesting...
First step image of playbook Braided counterattack 3c0 + 2c1
3v0 counterattack drill braided back and forth, performed 2v1. The defender is the player who has finished the 3v0 and the attackers are the other two players, it can be done with or without...
First step image of playbook 3v3 with rebound blocking and attacking the opposite court
6 players are placed outside the zone in two teams of 3 players. The coach shoots the basket. The team that gets the rebound attacks towards the opposite court and the other team defends. We play...
First step image of playbook 1vs1 with repeater post
1vs1 from three, can be started from different angles and positions. Front, side or 45º. It is mandatory that the attacker passes at least 3 times to the repeater post before being able to attack...
First step image of playbook 2c2 with repeater post
2c2, can be started from different angles and positions. Front, side or 45º. It is mandatory that the attackers pass at least 3 times to the repeater post before being able to attack so that the...
First step image of playbook 3c2 with work defending the passing line
3c2, can be started from different angles and positions. Front, side or 45º. It is mandatory that the attackers pass the ball between them at least 3 times before being able to attack so that the...
First step image of playbook 2c0 extrapass
Pass to the corner + extrapass
First step image of playbook 4 corners passing without layup
We will do 4 rows, 2 in 45 and 2 in corners, it will be about playing a penetration + extrapass in a wheel shape, the rotations will be made to the row where we pass.
First step image of playbook Tiro parejas
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
En parejas, una jugadora empieza tirando, y la otra pasadora. Una vez que la pasadora suelte el balón corre a tocar linea de medio campo, la otras jugadora de la pareja una vez que reciba el balón,...
First step image of playbook Trabajo De Pase en parejas
First step image of playbook Rueda Comunicativa 1
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
Hacemos una rueda comunicativa de BD en la cual colocaremos dos filas una en 45 y la otra en fondo debajo del aro.

Esta primera fila que esta en 45 todos tienen balón menos el primer jugad@r. 
First step image of playbook Rueda Comunicativa 2
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
En esta rueda comunicativa trabajamos el mano a mano en una posición central. Seguiremos trabajando en el 2c0 con dos filas en 45 de ambos lados, y en una fila la primera persona no tendrá balón.

First step image of playbook Rueda comunicativa 2 (esquina)
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
En este caso es la variante de la rueda comunicativa 2 anteriormente presenta, que realizábamos un pase mano a mano en posición central, pero esta vez lo aremos con jugadores en centro y esquina....
First step image of playbook Rueda Comunicativa 3
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
En este caso empezamos como en la rueda comunicativa 1 pero añadiremos un 3 fila y trabajaremos tanto la triangulación para dar pase al roll del BD y un pase de mano a mano central.

First step image of playbook Rueda comunicativa 4
Created by BEÑAT Palacios
Trabajaremos un rueda de Pindown + Flare.

En este caso utilizaremos 3 filas y unos conos o materiales que nos permitan simular un BI. En este caso empezaremos en generando espacio con bote para dar...
First step image of playbook Pases en pareja
Created by Aaron Zelaya
Pasar la pelota al compañero , 
pase de pecho, pase picado , pase largo
First step image of playbook Spacing 4x4 subida balon
El objetivo es habituar a los jugadores subir en equipo el balón en equipo mediante el pase, llegando a campo de ataque con el menor tiempo y botes posibles.
Delimito tres zonas en la pista, zona de...
First step image of playbook Aleta
#aleta la base del ejercicio es penetrar, doblar y buscar el primer extrapass. a partir de ahí, multitud de variantes como buscar el mano a mano, pasar y cortar, segundo extrapass. dos tendencias...
First step image of playbook 1vs1
First step image of playbook 1vs1
First step image of playbook Palmera
#Palmera #Activación #Calentamiento #Espacios
#Palmera #Activación #Calentamiento #Espacios
First step image of playbook Trabajo de base
Created by Gil
First step image of playbook Ruedas comunicativas II