Footwork in basketball refers to the fundamental skill of using precise foot movements to gain an advantage in various aspects of the game, including offense, defense, and rebounding. Footwork exercises help players improve their agility, balance, and positioning on the court, enabling them to execute plays effectively.
Lakers 1 minute
Ejercicio para trabajar la condición defensiva. Consiste en desplazamientos defensivos desde la l...
132 3 0
Continuous Defense
x1will run towards P1 arriving with a close out, P1 will attack and x1 will have to move defensiv...
547 0 2
Appartient à la collection: Grouping of defense drills
Close Out + Defense with layout
451 1 3
Appartient à la collection: Grouping of defense drills
Rueda Ayudas y Contra
Work on defensive assists and recoveries chained with a quick exit for a 1 fast break#2x1 #closeo...
96 2 3
LLançament de tir
Farem dos files a mig del camp a cada camp on posarem un cono al mitg de la línea de tres punts,...