2 (3x3) in half court (Passades)
2 (3x3) in half court (Passades)
Drill extracted from the book "Didáctica del baloncesto", by Antonio Montero Seoane
A group of players in each half from the field; When a group recovers the ball, it tries to pass it to its teammates who are on the offensive field. From time to time, the number of baskets or other similar criteria, the positions of the groups (defensive and offensive) are changed.
A group of players in each half from the field; When a group recovers the ball, it tries to pass it to its teammates who are on the offensive field. From time to time, the number of baskets or other similar criteria, the positions of the groups (defensive and offensive) are changed.
Créée par: David E (1 Pixel Army)
558 vues 2 j'aime 1 enregistré
Appartient à la collection: Passing exercises - Didáctica del baloncesto (Antonio Montero Seoane)
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