Choreographic exercise with external center
Choreographic exercise with external center
- One player, one ball and two cones.
- The Cones are placed on both sides of the basket. The player stands with the ball next to the outside of one of the cones.
1. The player assumes a low, solid stance with feet aligned, knees bent, and touching the hardwood with
the ball.
2. The player executes an inside shot by turning on the outside pivot, for which he takes a long, extended step with
the inside foot, at the same time raising and extending the ball towards the rim in a shooting fake.
3. The player then pivots on the outside foot away from the basket
until the inside shoulder points toward the rim.
4. The player completes the movement by taking a big jump and executing a shot
with the outside hand to protect the ball with the body.
5. The player completes the drill five times on each side of the basket.
the ball.
2. The player executes an inside shot by turning on the outside pivot, for which he takes a long, extended step with
the inside foot, at the same time raising and extending the ball towards the rim in a shooting fake.
3. The player then pivots on the outside foot away from the basket
until the inside shoulder points toward the rim.
4. The player completes the movement by taking a big jump and executing a shot
with the outside hand to protect the ball with the body.
5. The player completes the drill five times on each side of the basket.
Créée par: David E (1 Pixel Army)
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