
Reaction drill

Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson

• One player, one ball and two cones
• The player starts in the middle of the court with the ball
• The coach starts at the top of the light bulb, between the two cones

1. The player attacks any of the cones from the outside using the dribble at speed
2. At some point along the line drawn by the cones, if the coach does not move to cut off the player, he continues in the same direction, going in to score a layup or execute a jump shot.
3. If the player cuts off the player at the line of the cones, the player makes a quick read and reacts by changing direction, attacking through the middle of the cones to shoot a jump shot or get to the basket with a layup.
4. The player repeats the exercise with the dribble with a change of hands in front, with the dribble between his legs and with the dribble with a change of hands behind his back.

Keys to trainingThis is a great exercise to reinforce the correct reading of the game and the reactions of the game manager. In games there is not always enough time to think; Players must acquire instinctive habits in training that allow them to react.

Created by: David E (1 Pixel Army)

2 steps

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Belongs to set: Ejercicios con bote - Fundamentos de baloncesto (Ryan Goodson)


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