Ejercicios con bote - Fundamentos de baloncesto (Ryan Goodson)

Ejercicios con bote - Fundamentos de baloncesto (Ryan Goodson)

Extraído del libro Fundamentos de baloncesto, de Ryan Goodson

Saber botar es un inexcusable. No se requieren unas instalaciones o la presencia de un compañero, ni siquiera una canasta para mejorar el manejo del balón; simplemente, necesitamos un balón de baloncesto, una superficie dura y una ética de trabajo diamantina.

La experiencia me ha demostrado que hay muchos jugadores en el mundo que destacan por su excelente manejo del balón, pero que muy pocos son extraordinarios en su avance y penetración a canasta con el balón. 

Ser un buen driblador es un requisito necesario para ser un gran base, pero no todos
los grandes dribladores son grandes bases. En esta colección nos centraremos en la consolidación de esas destrezas que nos ayudarán en los movimientos con botes, en las penetraciones a canasta y
de la defensa. 

Created by David E (1 Pixel Army)

Source: https://amzn.to/48MVgEt

 Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson This exercise is used to practi...
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#Ball handling

Communication drill
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson Development 1. Upon hearing the ...
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#Ball handling

Close the door
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan GoodsonHome The players line up side by ...
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#Ball handling

Layup starting from the four quarters of the court
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan GoodsonDevelopment 1. The player must ru...
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#Ball handling #Shooting

Reaction drill
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan GoodsonEquipment • One player, one ball ...
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#Ball handling

Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson Equipment • A ball and a player....
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#Ball handling

Full court 1vs1
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson Equipment • Two players, a ball ...
410 1 1

#Ball handling

Change-of-Pace drill
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan GoodsonEquipment • One player, one ball ...
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#Ball handling