UCLA Offense - Example of high low action

1 step image of playbook UCLA Offense - Example of high low action
2 step image of playbook UCLA Offense - Example of high low action
To begin, 1 dribbles towards the right side wing which signals 4 to backdoor cut to the basket.

At that point, 4 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket if that is open. If it is not open, then 4 could cut back down to the right side high post area and receive the ball from 1.

3 step image of playbook UCLA Offense - Example of high low action
Next, 2 could cut to the basket, receive the handoff from 4, and score at the rim. If 4 cannot deliver the handoff, then 5 could cut into the lane via the cross screen set by 2.

After that, 5 could receive the high low pass from 4 and score near the basket with a low post move.

Also, if 5 cannot receive the ball, then 2 could continue to the left side wing via screen the screener action set by 3. From that point, 2 could receive the ball from 4 and take the three-point jump shot if open.

Font: https://hoopstudent.com/ucla-offense/

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