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2 - Opposite diagonals
2 - Opposite diagonals
Objective: The fundamental objective pursued with this exercise is the long pass and at the same time the shots to the basket with both hands or the shot, if applicable. Another important objective is changes of direction without the ball.
Pedagogical considerations: Players must be told to rotate outside the field, dribbling or without dribbling. We can include cones and force direction changes to be made in front of them and in different ways. We can also vary the way of passing and the shooting positions.
Pedagogical considerations: Players must be told to rotate outside the field, dribbling or without dribbling. We can include cones and force direction changes to be made in front of them and in different ways. We can also vary the way of passing and the shooting positions.
Créée par: David E (1 Pixel Army)
2 étapes
616 vues 2 j'aime 2 enregistrés
Appartient à la collection: 100 ejercicios de baloncesto para un entrenamiento variado
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