
Change-of-Pace drill

Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson


• One player, one ball and four cones.
• The player starts the baseline with the ball.


1. While bouncing the ball, the player advances with an explosive run to the first cone.
2. When the player reaches the first cone, he stops and touches the cone with his free hand and then pauses
3 The player repeats the explosive race passing through each of the following cones. You have to make sure that the change in speed from fast to slow is exaggerated in each cone.
4. When the player reaches the middle of the court, he will turn around and repeat the exercise dribbling the ball with the other hand
5. The player practices the drill for one minute.

Keys to training

Sometimes, while I am practicing this drill, the players advance too quickly. To ensure that the pause is long enough at each cone, we will ask the player to look at their wrist when stopping as if they were wearing a watch. We will have the player count out loud to two before running towards the next cone. 

Créée par: David E (1 Pixel Army)

2 étapes

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Appartient à la collection: Ejercicios con bote - Fundamentos de baloncesto (Ryan Goodson)


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