Quick pass full-court drill by teams of 4 players

Quick pass full-court drill by teams of 4 players

This is a well-known and old drill. We give it a point to make it more fun, consisting of seeing how long it takes each group to complete the course. Three teams of four players. Each team will do the same course. The course ends when 1 player scores a basket. The time is counted and the team that takes the least time to complete the entire course wins.

Created by: Coach F.

3 steps

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Nº 1 pasa a 2 y corre a recibir de 4 en la línea de personal de la canasta contraria. 
Nº 2 pasa a 3 y corre hasta la diagonal opuesta. 
Nº 3 pasa a 4 y corre al cono opuesto. 
Nº 4 pasa a 1 y corre hasta la diagonal opuesta. 


 Nº 1 pasa a 2 y corre a la canasta contraria. 
Nº 2 pasa a 3.
 Nº 3 pasa a 4. 
Nº 4 pasa 1 que entra a canasta.