UCLA Offense - Example 1

261 vistes 2 m'agrada 2 guardats

Creada per: David E (1 Pixel Army)


3 passos

Pertany a l'agrupació: UCLA Offense examples


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This is an example of a quick hitting set which features the UCLA cut and side ball screen action for scoring opportunities within the UCLA Offense.
To begin, 2 receives the ball from 1 and following that, 1 executes the UCLA cut to the basket via the back screen set by 5.

After that, 1 could receive the ball from 2 if that is open. On the other hand, if 1 is not open, then 1 could continue the cut through to the left side corner.

Next, 2 dribbles toward the middle of the court near the free throw area via the side ball screen set by 5 who also rolls to the basket. From that point, 2 could take the mid-range jump shot if open or pass to other teammates for additional scoring possibilities.

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