UCLA Offense - 1 -4 high action within the UCLA offense


UCLA Offense - 1 -4 high action within the UCLA offense

This is an example of the UCLA cut as well as flex action from a 1-4 high set.

Créée par: David E (1 Pixel Army)

3 étapes

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Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


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To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 executes the UCLA cut to the basket.

Following that, 1 could receive the ball from 2 and score at the rim. If 1 is not open, then 1 could continue the cut towards the left side low post block.


Next, 3 executes a flex cut via the flex screen set by 1, receives the ball from 2, and then scores with a layup or dunk. Also, as a secondary option or if 3 is not open, 1 cuts back to the top via the stagger screens set by 4 and 5.

After the screen the screener action, 1 receives the ball from 2 and takes the open three-point jump shot.