Tarea 1: Rueda de finalizaciones (sin hábito). Clínic Javi Torralba

Tarea 1: Rueda de finalizaciones (sin hábito). Clínic Javi Torralba

Full-court exercise with 8 attackers.

Créée par: fastbreak

1 étape

114 vues 1 j'aime 4 enregistrés

Appartient à la collection: Clínic Javier Torralba. Metodología de entrenamiento. Hábitos.

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Point guard moves. Point guard changes position. Shooting guard throws a pass to point guard. Small forward changes position. Point guard passes the ball to small forward. Center changes position. Center moves. Center throws a pass to 5. Center changes position. 5 throws a pass to center.