Point guard makes a pass to small forward. Point guard changes position.
4 moves. 2 moves. Point guard moves.
Small forward throws a pass to shooting guard. 5 changes position.
2 throws a pass to 4.
2 moves. Small forward changes position.
Power forward passes the ball to 1. Center moves.
Power forward moves.
3 moves. 2 changes position. 4 moves.
Point guard passes the ball to 3. Center changes position.
Small forward makes a pass to 2.
Small forward changes position. 1 moves.
2 passes the ball to 4. 5 moves.
Shooting guard changes position.
1 changes position. 3 moves. Shooting guard moves.
Power forward passes the ball to 1. Point guard makes a pass to small forward. Center moves.
3 throws a pass to shooting guard. 3 changes position. Power forward changes position. Point guard moves.
Shooting guard passes the ball to small forward. 3 attempts to score.
5-vs-5 half court play with lot of movement. We try to get a shot close to the basket..
Created by: Helena Barrenetxea Fernández
17 steps
532 views 1 like 2 bookmarks
Published at: August 10, 2024 11:40
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