Iverson cut examples

The Iverson cut consists of action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of the court, usually near a wing area, cuts through to the other side, which is typically the opposite wing area, ultimately to get open and receive the basketball.

Moreover, the Iverson cut is commonly accompanied by two high post screens to help the cutter get open but this is not absolutely required in every instance.

First step image of playbook Iverson cut - Example 1
Pertany a l'agrupació: Iverson cut examples
This is a very basic example that simply demonstrates what the Iverson cut looks like. On the diagram, 2 starts near the right side wing and then executes the Iverson cut through the high post area...
First step image of playbook Iverson cut - Example 2
Pertany a l'agrupació: Iverson cut examples
This is another basic example of Iverson cut action, derived from the 1-4 high set.
First step image of playbook Iverson cut - Example 3
Pertany a l'agrupació: Iverson cut examples
This is an example of an Iverson cut scoring play that features basic spread pick and roll action. 
First step image of playbook Iverson cut - Example 4
Pertany a l'agrupació: Iverson cut examples
This is an example of an Iverson cut scoring play that could potentially lead to scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court.