Hoover - Quick Basket

1 step image of playbook Hoover - Quick Basket
1 – Shooter – Begins at the top of the key. 
2 – Ball Handler/Passer – located in the corner. 
3 – Screener – Located in the opposite corner of 2. 
4 – Screener – Located on the wing. 
5 – Cutter – located on the wing opposite 4. 
2 step image of playbook Hoover - Quick Basket
 1. 5 cuts through the lane – 2 fills his spot on the wing 
3 step image of playbook Hoover - Quick Basket
2. 1 passes to 2 and follows his pass to set a screen for 2. 
3. 4 comes and sets a staggered screen that will be used by 2. 
4. 3 gets himself into position to set a back screen for 1. 
4 step image of playbook Hoover - Quick Basket
5. 2 dribbles off the two screens and passes to 5 who has rotated to the wing from the corner. 
6. 3 sets the back screen for 1, who comes off the screen to the low block. 
7. 5 looks inside to player 1 who should be wide open for a layup. 
Font: www.breakthroughbasketball.com

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