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Éditeur de Diagrammes de Basketball

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Gestion d'Équipes de Basketball

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Exercices et jeux en vedette

First step image of playbook Ponsarnau's pick and roll sideline
One of the best sideline out of bounds plays of the season - bonus points for hiding the Spain pick and roll until the last moment #Out-of-bounds-plays #Out-of-bounds-plays
First step image of playbook Calentamiento de alto ritmo en Z
Este ejercicio de baloncesto, es un calentamiento de alto ritmo que podemos usar para mejorar la forma física de nuestro equipo. Vamos a trabajar con finalizaciones sencillas por lo general, puesto que el principal objetivo no es la técnica, sino la preparación física. Puede ser medio complejo...
First step image of playset EJERCICIOS BSR
First step image of playset Examples of the "Iverson Cut"
The Iverson cut is an action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of the court, usually near the wing area, cuts to the other side, which is usually the opposite wing area, to eventually get open and receive the ball.

In addition, the Iverson cut is often accompanied...
First step image of playset Iverson cut examples
The Iverson cut consists of action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of the court, usually near a wing area, cuts through to the other side, which is typically the opposite wing area, ultimately to get open and receive the basketball.

Moreover, the Iverson cut is...
