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Exercices et jeux en vedette

First step image of playbook Chin series example - Princeton offense
The Chin series is a sequence of actions within the Princeton offense which consists of a back screen, a flare screen, and a possible continuity pattern to create scoring opportunities near the basket. 
First step image of playbook Communication drill
Extracted from the book Basketball Fundamentals, by Ryan Goodson


1. Upon hearing the coach's order, the  players exchange the ball.
2. Every time the coach says "now", the players must exchange the ball with a different player.
3. If at any point during the exercise the ball...
First step image of playbook Palmera
#Palmera #Activación #Calentamiento #Espacios
#Palmera #Activación #Calentamiento #Espacios
First step image of playset Examples of the "Iverson Cut"
The Iverson cut is an action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of the court, usually near the wing area, cuts to the other side, which is usually the opposite wing area, to eventually get open and receive the ball.

In addition, the Iverson cut is often accompanied...
First step image of playset Clínic Lluís Biosca
