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Editor de Diagramas de Baloncesto

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Ejercicios y jugadas destacadas

First step image of playbook High pace warm-up in Z
This basketball drill is a high-tempo warm-up that we can use to improve the physical fitness of our team. We are going to work with simple finishes in general, since the main objective is not technique, but physical preparation. It can be a bit complex the first few times, but once you get the...
First step image of playset Ejemplos del "Corte UCLA"
Creada por Coach F.
El corte UCLA es una estrategia ofensiva de baloncesto desarrollada por el entrenador John Wooden que se centra en los fundamentos de pasar, bloquear y cortar para crear diversas oportunidades de anotación, principalmente cerca de la canasta pero también cerca del perímetro.

El corte UCLA enfatiza...
First step image of playset Iverson cut examples
The Iverson cut consists of action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of the court, usually near a wing area, cuts through to the other side, which is typically the opposite wing area, ultimately to get open and receive the basketball.

Moreover, the Iverson cut is...
First step image of playset UCLA Offense examples
The UCLA offense is a basketball offensive strategy developed by Coach John Wooden that focuses on the fundamentals of passing, screening, and cutting to create various scoring opportunities, primarily near the basket but also near the perimeter as well.

Furthermore, the UCLA offense emphasizes a...
