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3 step image of playbook Cuernos abajo
4 step image of playbook Cuernos abajo

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First step image of playset Examples of the "Iverson Cut"
The Iverson cut is an action that occurs when an offensive player who is initially on one side of...

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First step image of playbook Man to man plays - 1-4 High Screener
This is a simple youth play that involves a couple screens that will open up a shot close to the...
First step image of playbook Game start - ATO - Ghost for blocking the outside shot and cutting inside to finish near the basket.
Created by Ivan Peris
ATO (After Time Out). Agree with all players on the court on a situation we will propose during...
First step image of playbook Sistema con un Zipper de Ameghino de Córdoba – Liga Argentina
En baloncesto, el término «Zipper» se refiere a una jugada táctica que involucra a un jugador que...
First step image of playbook After Timeout Plays - Example 3
Created by Coach F.
This is an example of an after timeout play that consists of various screens and a split cut to...
First step image of playbook Pantalón
Created by CHEMA
Jugamos 3 mano a mano, y terminamos con un pick and roll con el pivot
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