Exercices et stratégies de basketball

Bienvenue sur notre site d'Exercices et de Jeux de Basket gratuits! Accédez à une variété d'exercices et de stratégies pour améliorer les compétences et le travail d'équipe.

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1075 résultats
(415 basketball exercices / 620 basketball jeux) / 40 groupes)

252 1 1


El jugador con balón tiene dos balones, los otros dos, uno de ellos se coloca en el poste bajo co...
238 1 1


Punto de ajuste
De aro a aro, dos bote, parada izquierdo derecho o derecho izquierdo, bote fuerte a lado de la pi...
77 2 0


UCLA Offense - Example of an offensive set
This is an example of a Horns offensive set play that uses the UCLA cut for scoring opportunities...
219 1 0

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


UCLA Offense - 1 -4 high action within the UCLA offense
This is an example of the UCLA cut as well as flex action from a 1-4 high set.
194 0 0

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


UCLA Offense - Example of high low action
This is an example of basic high low action which also includes a backdoor cut, handoff and baske...
161 1 0

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


UCLA Offense - Example of basic high post action within the UCLA offense
This is an example of a basic high post set within the UCLA Offense which includes a backdoor cut...
126 0 0

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


UCLA Offense - Example 2
This is an example of a quick hitting set play which features dribble entry action and the UCLA c...
182 0 0

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


UCLA Offense - Example 1
This is an example of a quick hitting set which features the UCLA cut and side ball screen action...
352 2 2

Appartient à la collection: UCLA Offense examples


Corte fondo y aro pasado
108 2 0


Iverson cut - Example 4
This is an example of an Iverson cut scoring play that could potentially lead to scoring opportun...
204 0 0

Appartient à la collection: Iverson cut examples
